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Puppy Power

For Puppies 8 weeks  - 17 weeks 

If you have a brand new puppy anywhere from 8 – 17 weeks, now is the time to invest in their future. The biggest lessons in life, are learnt in the first few months; get this wrong and you could end up with a puppy that is fearful and anxious. The sooner you start, the better. You have a golden opportunity to do a great job at puppy socialisation and prevent a lot of future behaviour issues.

Getting your puppy in to the right habits and behaviours from the start will set you up for an easier time going forward. Toilet training, biting, alone time, safety around children, chewing, vet visits, basic obedience and lots more, this programme has it all.

What do you get?

  • 30 minute online introductory session 

  • 6 hours of face to face coaching & training 

  • Easy to follow plans for toilet training & crate training

  • A  weekly catch up, to see how you are getting on and answer any questions 

  • A puppy booklet full of useful advice and links to other resources.

  • Weekly Puppy Tips 

  • A free puppy play session if there is one taking place in your area during the programme 

What we work on together…

Preventing unwanted future behaviours, such as aggression and reactivity  **this is key**

Obedience - a few behaviours that will be a big help in many situations

What to do if your puppy is nipping, toileting or chewing the wrong things 

Empathy & support to help you through the difficult puppy stages

Resources and guidance on all things puppies

Price £285

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